The best way to determine if you have hearing loss is to have your hearing tested. You can schedule an appointment with our hearing professionals provide you with a thorough hearing test.
To help you get an idea if you may have hearing loss, you can answer the following questions. Tally up your points, and if your total is 6+ points, it is recommended that you have your hearing tested by a hearing professional to find out for certain. When completing the questionnaire, do not consider any hearing aids or devices you may use to help you hear better.
1. Have you worked around, or been exposed to quite a bit of loud noise in your lifetime?
Yes, without ear protection (2 points)
Yes, but with ear protection (1 point)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
2. Do many of the people you talk with seem to mumble?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
3. Does it seem like people do not speak as clearly as they used to?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
4. Do you experience frequent ringing in one or both ears?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, but I only notice in quieter settings (1 point)
No, never (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
5. Do you have trouble localizing where sounds come from?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, but only in certain settings (1 point)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
6. Do you feel one of your ears hear better than the other?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
7. Do you feel like your hearing is not as good as it used to be?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
8. Do you find it difficult to understand conversations in a noisy background?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
9. Have family members or friends told you they think you might have hearing loss?
Yes, quite a bit (2 points)
Yes, but only a few times (1 point)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
10. Do you often have to ask others to repeat themselves?
Yes, very often (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 point)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
11. Do you have trouble hearing on the telephone?
Yes, most of the time (2 points)
Yes, sometimes (1 points)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
12. Do others mention you play the T.V. or radio too loudly?
Yes, often (2 points)
Yes, occasionally (1 point)
No (0 points)
Not sure (0 points)
If your total is more than 6 points, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment to have your hearing tested by a hearing professional to find out for certain.